IMI, EMTRAIN and the other IMI Education and Training projects (EUPATI, Eu2P, PharmaTrain and SafeSciMET) were represented at the BioVision Conference 2013 in Lyon (24-26 March 2013) thanks to the generous sponsoring of Janssen who allowed us space in the exhibition hall as well as a two-hour satellite lunch session.

The lunch session unfortunately suffered from the unforeseeable clash with the arrival of three French Ministers at the conference which prevented many participants to find their way to our session location due to blocked exits and entrances necessitated by security reasons. However, the booth was having plenty of visitors from all kinds of stakeholders who got introduced to the IMI Education and Training projects overall and were offered an opportunity to try out on-course®, both course providers as well as course seekers. BioVision will soon publish a report and also an interview with Mike Hardman. Watch their website!

Here some photos of the conference:

BioVision 2013, Lyon, 24-26 March 2013