The recent 3rd LifeTrain Workshop provided further confirmation of the growing level of interest and engagement.
We continue to attract old friends as well as making new ones. The overarching topic this year was dedicated to "implementation".

The 3rd LifeTrain Workshop 2013 (held at Janssen in Brussels on November 28-29, 2013) was primarily focussing on questions related to the implementation of the LifeTrain Agreed Principles for continuing professional development (CPD). Best practices and individual case studies were presented, success stories shared, challenges and hurdles discussed and next steps described. The future of LifeTrain was scrutinised. It was agreed that LifeTrain has got a role to play but has also got some further homework to do, in particular regarding to IMI course quality criteria, the on-course® resource as well as communication. (see more detailed information LifeTrain).